Tin Can Alley is still in dispute. The Gloucester-Mathews newspaper has a front-page article.
There is 45-foot wide public access. As far as "private property" on Gwynn's Island, I believe
any beach front deed specifies "mean high tide" and therefore when the tide is "out"
where the water was is also public, thus the long tradition of
walking to either "end of the Island" either hole in the wall or Cherry Point.
I have done that many times beginning in 1960's and continue to do so.
Spouse is age 71 and has been doing this since about age 5
when the family (Pirkle) lived in Petersburg (close to Fort Lee).
Virginia is one of five "mean low water" coastal ocean states in the U.S. The ability to walk along the beach is often restricted because the property line in most cases extends to mean low water.