Saturday, November 9, 2019

November 6-8 Closing up Cottage for the year.

Wow, Look at this beach in from of the cottage.
Beautiful big beach compared to last month when there was no beach!
Dana painted a new heron on our sign earlier this month.
Bob did a lot of splitting wood for a nice fire in Franklin Stove

October 2019

I was shocked to see that we had no  beach. I found out that it was an historic 5 ft. high tide above normal!
Looking west down the beach towards Grizzard's
Looking East toward Ann Nichol's house.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

June canoe around the Island

7:00am "Let's canoe to the end of the island and have breakfast."
By 7:40am we had packed a breakfast of hard boiled eggs, chips and fruit and a BIG bottle of water in the canoe ready to roll.  As we headed out we saw an unbelievable sight -- two sting rays mating close to shore!!

It was a beautiful morn and we canoed leisurely commenting on jetties and houses and birds. It took us most of an hour to arrive on the beach at the end of a long sandbar connected to the main island.
The end of the island is secluded and peaceful, but did not have as many shells as the year before.

Since we detected a head wind when we decided to head back, we decided to go around the island!
We crossed the sand bar pulling the canoe then jumped is for what was about three more hours of paddling!  It was neat to see homes we had never seen and go under the bridge.  We took a bunch of photos of The Islander; (it has always been my wish that nephew Greg would purchased it and renovate it properly!)

 We made two phone calls out on the water -- to sister Harriet in Montana and to the grandkids back in Fairfax!

We beached the canoe on a little small stretch of beach where some workman were repairing a deck; I needed to get out and stretch my legs!

When we arrived back to the cottage, it was exactly five hours from when we left -- 12:40pm!
We were exhausted and hungry -- but it was a good exhaustion! Love being on the water!

Thank you God for this wonderful little island cottage!